If you want to change your life, you must start by changing yourself first

Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.  It is a holistic system for balancing, healing and harmonising all aspects of the person – body, mind, emotions and spirit.  It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.  If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress and if it is high, we are more capable of being healthy and happy.

Coaching is a professional relationship designed to assist you the client to identify, and work towards, achieving your personal and business goals or aspirations. If you are feeling lost, unsure of your next step, worried about you appearance, your career, hesitant about which direction to take, and feel something has to change. Then coaching and/or Reiki could be your answer. If you want to be happier in yourself, change career, build your self confidence, boost your self esteem, reduce your stress levels and just feel better.


Reiki Level 1 – 26th & 27th February 2022 /  2nd & 3rd April 2022

Reiki Level 2 – 26th & 27th March 2022 / 21st & 22nd May 2022

Reiki Level 3 – Mastership – 4th, 5th & 11th June 2022


Women’s Empowerment Workshop – 23rd & 24th April 2022

Empowerment Masterclass for Women – 12th June 2022

Women’s Empowerment Training


Pauline Cooley

Pauline Cooley

Following 20 years of a successful career in the corporate sector, Pauline took time out to look after her young family. Pauline was always interested in Holistic and Natural Living and took the time to research and study these therapies over the last number of years. She is a graduate of the Irish Lifecoach Institute and a member of the Reiki Federation of Ireland. She is launching her Natural Healing Therapies, based in the Healthy Way, Leixlip, and close to Enfield in County Meath. Pauline is an experienced Life Coach and Reiki Master/Teacher and is inspired to empower clients to envision and create the life they most want, by promoting a healthy belief system.

Pauline runs Reiki & Empowerment Workshops in the Healthy Way over a weekend every month and is available for private sessions during the week.